Trainee Funding

How are postdocs in the lab funded?

  • Most postdocs in the lab are funded through postdoctoral fellowships or grants that they write themselves.
  • Some postdocs are funded through existing grants. In this case, the postdoc must spend a significant portion of their time working on that project. However, the lab also provides postdocs the room to develop their own ideas.
  • We have the opportunity to request Diversity Supplements for our NIH grants. If you qualify for such a fellowship (which includes individuals from underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, disadvantaged backgrounds, or rural/low-income areas), please contact Dr. Poldrack to discuss your interest.

Postdocs should pay close attention to the details of their funding arrangement. For example, F32 NIH funding to the university comes with a financial account where the institutional allowance is included. Stanford taps this allowance for ‘university insurance’, so one should be aware that funds will deplete faster than may be presumed.

Postdoctoral funding opportunities

Non-exhaustive list of graduate research fellowships and additional funding opportunities:

Johns Hopkins University provides a continuously updated source for funding opportunities for graduate students.